Anti-graffiti protection for artwork

Mavrox PU Topcoat 1C protects works of art in Sint-Michielsgestel

Commissioned by the Municipality of Sint-Michielsgestel, one of Mavro’s laboratory products, Mavrox PU Topcoat 1C, was used to protect the artworks on concrete walls of the bicycle tunnels.

Dozens of artists and volunteers covered the concrete walls with a large collective artwork. This project, TUNNELART617 which has consumed many hundreds of litres of paint, is intended to beautify the originally drab walls and make them attractive to users. The attractive and colourful environment also increases the sense of security. Every interested party was able to submit designs with all kinds of subjects from Sint-Michielsgestel and its surroundings. Artist Marcel Rus created a basic design that links all three tunnels into one. 

After the huge artwork was completed, the need to protect and preserve it was an immediate issue.

Mavro International was approached with a request to recommend a product that would effectively protect the artworks from all adverse atmospheric and other influences.

The choice fell on Mavrox PU Topcoat 1C, a transparent solvent-free 1-component coating based on moisture-curing polyurethane. This strong, hard and chemically resistant coating is ideally suited to protect outdoor works of art.

Mavro’s protective coating was applied to the tunnel walls at the end of September and will protect and preserve the artworks so that visitors and cyclists can continue to enjoy this great initiative for a long time.

Project details

  Location: Sint-Michielsgestel
  Client: Gemeente Sint-Michielsgestel
  Date of execution: 2021