Protection of graphics by Hansje van Halem in underpass

A special project of a bicycle tunnel in De Bilt. In collaboration with graphic designer Hansje van Halem and commissioned by the Province of Utrecht, De Strakke Hand has provided the 700m2 tunnel with an impressive 3-dimensional interplay of lines. This artwork was applied by 7 artists in 12 days!

Mavro International is proud to be part of this great project from day one. What started as a test at our headquarters in Zaltbommel has grown into a beautiful work of art. This artwork is permanently protected with Nitocoat Mat against pollution, weather influences and graffiti.

Nitocoat Mat is a product from our Nitorange. The Nitorange from Mavro consists of a collection of high-quality, protective color and shine restoring coatings for non-absorbent surfaces.

Read more about our Nitorange here.

Project details

  Location: De Bilt
  Client: Provincie Utrecht
  Date of execution: 2020