HNK complex in s-Hertogenbosch cleaned and protected

The HNK – The New Office complex along the A2 at ‘s-Hertogenbosch has been thoroughly cleaned and sustainably preserved by J & S Bedrijfsdiensten B.V. / Joris van der Sande, on behalf of NVT Maintenance Group BV. First, a very degraded, permanent coating is removed.

The frames are then protected with Nitocolour, a permanent color preservation system. The entire complex will be given a completely new look. And finally, all siding is cleaned with Uniclean Low Foaming. Compliments!

Project details

  Location: ‘s-Hertogenbosch
  Client: NVT Onderhoudsgroep BV
  Application company: J&S Bedrijfsdiensten B.V.
  Implementation: 2020